A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, August 3, 2008

New Routine

This morning, we got up and went to see the church we are here to visit. We had a nice time there. As everywhere we go, Caleb was a big hit. Here he sits on a couch the church foyer while we wait for the minister to go have lunch.

Tonight we started Caleb's sleep training. As part of that, we have established a bedtime ritual so Caleb will get some cues that it is time to go to sleep. So far, Caleb's been getting a bath twice a week, but Mom decided that Caleb would get a nightly bath as part of his bedtime routine.

After the bath, we wrapped Caleb in one of his towels. This towel is one of the more interesting gifts we received because it is from a lady in our congregation and is semi-homemade. She took a full size bath towel and a face towel and sewed them together using the hand towel to make a hood for Caleb much like some of the towels that we received from the store. As you can see, she also attached some little lions to the hood of towel. We really like this towel because it is a high quality towel. I'm tempted to use it myself.

We also love it because of the time, effort, talent and love that went into it. We are so blessed to be part of church family that loves us so much and who want to love Caleb too. We are confident that this church family will love Caleb and will help us raise him for as long as we are a part of this congregation.

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