A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

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Thursday, October 9, 2008

New Day

Several "new"s in the news today, but first, I'll let you know that Granddaddy wasn't so rough on Caleb today and Caleb seemed to make it through the day without any further visible signs of wear and tear.

Caleb's solid food feeding plan calls for us to add additional foods to his diet every few days. For the last few days, he was just eating rice cereal. Today, we added oatmeal to Caleb's diet. This morning, I added the same amount of milk to the same amount of powder, yet the oatmeal was a lot runnier than the rice cereal. Unfortunately, Caleb woke up on the wrong side of the crib this morning and was inconsolable until Mom took him. I think he might have been tired and a little cranky due to his interrupted nap last night. Consequently, he didn't really eat an of the oatmeal. This evening, I got the right amount of milk in and the oatmeal wasn't anywhere near as runny as it was this morning. It must also be more dense than the rice cereal because there was less oatmeal in the bowl. There are a couplef upsides to this fact, or so I thought. I thought the thicker oatmeal would not be as messy as the rice cereal. Caleb is just as capable of spitting out some amount of the oatmeal as he is the rice cereal, so it wasn't really less messy. However, the feeding goes quicker since there is not as much to give him. Of course, Mom also pointed out that he can spit out every bit of the oatmeal if he wants. Right now, his nutritional needs are still being met by Mom. The main purpose of this exercise right now is for Caleb to learn how to eat. That's a good thing because he's going to need to know how to eat to fit into this family.

The other new in Caleb's world today was our new couch. Granddaddy and Whatshername brought us a new couch and love seat to fill out the furniture in our living room. Caleb, Mom, Granddaddy and Whatshername spent some time in the living room hanging out on the new couch while Dad watched the disappointing Dodgers loss to the Phillies in game 1 of the National League Championship Series. Of course, Caleb has one of his new pacifiers in his hand. He continues to
adapt to the new pacifiers, though it seems as if he is more accepting of them today. Of course, it is hard to tell when he plays with and chews the pacifier more than he actually sucks on it.

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