A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, October 5, 2008

More School Spirit

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Today was a soggy day. It was raining this morning when we all got up. We started our day at the church building for a meeting. The meeting pretty much lasted until it was time for a school picnic that was scheduled for today. I left the picnic for a haircut and by the time I returned to the picnic, someone had turned on the waterhose and their was a torrential downpour. All of the picnic goers (except for a few jouyous children, were crowded under the one pavillion on the school's campus. Caleb was tucked safely in his stroller doing his best to stay dry. I eventually left to go to the Miami/Florida State game and the rain must have followed me because it never really stopped raining during the game and the sun actually came out for a little while at the picnic.

We have pretty much stopped putting the carrier in the stroller and have been putting Caleb in the stroller seat. This is where he spent most of the picnic. Mom was able to catch this picture of Caleb pulling himself up into a sitting position so he could chew on the cupholder. It won't be long before he is able to sit up on his own.

The rain followed me up on the game and because the rain was so heavy, I got home pretty late in the evening. I met Mom and Caleb at a restaurant for dinner. One of our friends gave Caleb a tye dyed shirt and he wore it for the first time today. He is quite proud to show off his psychedellic style.

I'm throwing this picture in today because Caleb has such a great smile.

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