A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Excuses, Excuses

Following this post are all of the posts I owe everyone after no posting for nearly two weeks. There are so many new posts tonight that they all do not fit on the same page, so be sure and click on the older posts link at the bottom of the page so you can read all of the new posts.

I had fully intended to continue my daily posts from Tennessee, however, that proved problematic from the day I arrived and my early attempts at posting turned into a comedy of errors.

On Tuesday night when we first arrived, I did not get started until after midnight (1:00 A.M. here), so I was exhausted. Granddaddy still has dial-up internet at his house. They live outside the city limits, kind of out in the country, and he claims that faster service is not available out there. But I decided I would try to post anyway. I was never able to get the photos uploaded to the Blogger site. It was taking so long and I was so tired that I dozed of at least three times. I finally gave up and went to bed.

On Wednesday when we went to Lunch with Uncle S, we deliberately went to a little coffee shop that has wireless internet access. I was able to connect with a faster connection, but for some reason was still unable to to get the pictures uploaded. I again gave up after numerous efforts.

I next called the public library and found out that they do not have wireless internet. Uncle S finally suggested I post from his house since they also have wireless internet. When we went to Naples a few weeks ago, I forgot to pack the chord that attaches the camera to the computer to download all of the images. I was extra careful to make sure I packed that cable on this trip. As I settle into at Uncle S's house, I began to look for the power cord for the computer only to discover that it was not in my bag. Sure enough, when we got back here earlier this week, there the cord sat on my desk. I had pretty much sapped all of the battery power on my initially unsuccessful attempts to post. I had the ability to download pictures to the computer but not the ability to run the computer. (Don't ask how aggravated I was when it occurred to me that I needlessly schlepped the computer through airport security twice.

I am now caught up and, barring disaster, I intend to maintain daily posts, even next week in New Mexico. So welcome back, keep reading and please leave your comments if you would like.


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