A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Houston, We Have a Problem

We made it. 3 planes, 3 states, 2 time zones, 1 missing suitcase and 2 excited grandparents later and we are in New Mexico. The second half of the Caleb 2008 Summer Tour has begun.

We started bright and early (actually, it wasn't so bright, it was dark when we left the house) and headed to Miami International Airport to begin our trip west. The differences between the Fort Lauderdale airport and MIA are so stark. It's amazing to me that at 6:00 A.M., MIA was busier than many airports during midday and we had to stand in line for a really long time to get Caleb's boarding pass and get through security.

Our flight out of Miami was over an hour late taking off
(and we were on the plane for that time). We had taxied out to the runway and the pilot came of the intercom and said we were headed back to the gate. It turns out we needed more fuel. That's the
second time in less than a year I've been on a flight that was delayed because it didn't have enough fuel on it. I guess I'm glad they figured it out both times before the planes got in the air.

Caleb did pretty well on the first flight from Miami to Houston. It was not a full flight, so we were able to get a seat between us and Caleb slept on the middle seat most of the flight. However, our planes got progressively smaller with each successive flight. The flight from Houston to Dallas was a full flight and we were crammed into a row with a stranger. The flight was so full and crowded that I guess they didn't have room to put my suitcase on the plane. At the end of the flight to Dallas, Caleb got pretty cranky while we waited to get off the plane. For some reason, people were very slow in getting off the plane. Caleb was fussy on the flight from Dallas to Roswell and we passed him back and forth several times. Fortunately, no one on the plane threw rocks at us. Once we got on the ground in Roswell, he went right to sleep.

Although Caleb was asleep, all was not right with the world. My bag did not get off the plane with us. We talked to the gate agent in Roswell and she said it should come in on the last flight of the day and they would send it to us. When it didn't show up by time we were told it should show up, Mom called to check on it. That's when she found out that it did not make it out of Houston (supposedly). As of this writing, we're still waiting on it's arrival.

The bag was full of my clothes, thought that's not really the problem even though I would like to put on some fresh clothes. The big problem is that the base for Caleb's car seat was also in that bag. I can go with clothes. Caleb's car seat it a little more crucial. We told the airline and they gave us a loaner. Caleb is still in an infant seat and they gave us a multi-use car seat for bigger children. It took me quite a while to figure out how to get the thing installed. Once we got Caleb strapped in, he was swallowed up by the enormous seat. The seat also sits straight up and Caleb was sleeping, so Mom had to hold his head up the whole way to Poppy and TuTu's house. We got this picture a little later in the day when Caleb was awake and alert enough to support his own head.

Shortly after arriving at Poppy and TuTu's house, Caleb got his weekly bath. We went out to dinner for some good Mexican food and then headed to church where Poppy and TuTu enjoyed showing Caleb off for the first time. We saw several special friends who have been looking forward to seeing Caleb for a long time. Just like in Tennessee, I'm sure this was just the warm up for the big show Sunday.

Our time here today was short, but eventful and after such a long day, everyone headed to bed early. We need our rest for another fun filled week on the summer tour.

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