A chronicle of the first year of Caleb's life. Share with me the ups, the downs, the joys and the sorrows of this new adventure called fatherhood.

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Real Thing

We had a pretty quiet day today. We went our for breakfast then returned home to relax at the house. We all got back out in the afternoon to go pick up TuTu from a meeting and took a quick drive around town. Other than those
trips, we just hung out today playing with Caleb. To cap off the day, we went back out to dinner with Poppy and TuTu's friends, Kali and Riley and their parents.

Kali and Riley's family worship with Poppy and TuTu and are two of Poppy and TuTu's many surrogate grandchildren. Prior to the announcement of Caleb's impending arrival, Poppy and TuTu were close to giving up hope that they would have grandchildren of their own. So in recent years, Poppy and TuTu had "adopted" some of the young children from church and befriended their parents. These children and their parents have become special friends of Poppy and TuTu. Even though their own children are special to Poppy and TuTu, these friends were thrilled for Poppy and TuTu to have a grandson of their own.

Kali and Riley's family are going out of town in a few days and they wanted to make sure they got to see Caleb, so we headed down to Hagerman, a small town south of Roswell, for dinner. We had a nice time and enjoyed our dinner. Kali and Riley are cute and entertained us and they also got a kick out of Caleb. Last night at church, they both crowded around me and enjoyed trying to play with him. They were the same way tonight. I enjoy watching other little kids with Caleb.

We've been here a little over 24 hours now. Caleb has been especially cranky last night and today. We have been attributing that to tiredness, but we are starting to attribute to something else. Babies teeth between four months and seven months, but Mom suspects that Caleb might be teething early. He has been drooling a lot in recent days and weeks and his sucking has become more and more chewing. As quickly as he has developed the ability to grab and hold onto things, he was just as quickly developed the reflex of taking things up to his mouth. Putting that all together seems to indicate that he just may be teething already. So we'll continue to monitor the situation and hope that he doesn't get any crankier.

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